God-breathed 12: The Universal Mission of Jesus

You cannot lose with Jesus…. The Good News is that, because he loves you, Jesus willingly went to the cross to suffer and die so that the cost of forgiveness for the sins of the whole world could be more than paid for in full. With his resurrection from the dead on the third day that followed, Jesus has opened for you the door to new life with him, a new life that begins in the moment you first believe in him as Lord and Savior, a new life that continue into forever, and which reach its fulfillment when Jesus comes back to this world to make all things right and new, including us.

God-breathed 2: We are Called and Sent

You and I cannot do anything to prevent problems from happening. The only thing that we can do anything about is the way that we respond to problems. Our responses tell us something about ourselves and if we have the courage to look at those responses, it can help us grow.